• Lincoln Square SSA 21 Master Plan
  • Master Plan Project News

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    Scroll down to view the latest project announcements. Join our email list today to receive these news updates right to your inbox! What will you receive by doing such? Important details about upcoming project events, poll results, and plan updates. Don't worry, we promise not to spam.

  • CTA Station Area Proposed Concepts

    April 1, 2022

    We'd like to give a BIG THANKS to our friends in Lincoln Square for your creative visioning, practical thinking, and thoughtful inputs about the CTA Station Area Planning Study.  The area of study includes multiple parcels controlled by various agencies who have contributed to this planning assignment.  The concept plan is designed comprehensively and with specific functions and programs for project subareas.  Continue Reading

  • Leland Neighborhood Greenway Project

    January 18, 2022

    The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), 40th Ward Alderman Andre Vasquez, and 47th Ward Alderman Matt Martin hosted a presentation on Tuesday, January 18 to give a presentation on the Leland Avenue Greenway project.  The most recent version of the plans were discuss based on the collection of feedback from the community via surveys and past public meetings.  Continue Reading

  • CTA Station Area Study - Poll #2 Results

    November 11, 2021

    A big THANKS to the 980 community members who offered their creative and practical insights as part of the second 'CTA Station Area Planning' Neighborhood Poll.  Following the inputs provided during Poll #1, the purpose of Poll #2 was to delve further into design issues.  A visual preference imagery poll was used to obtain information to guide design planning.  Continue Reading

  • Ainslie Arts Plaza

    CTA Station Area Planning - Quick Poll #1 Summary

    July 13, 2021

    Many thanks to the 1,429 participants who shared input as part of the first 'CTA Station Area Planning' Neighborhood Poll. Between June 9 and July 2, 2021 we received responses from a wide range of ages and neighborhood affiliations. 2,144 open-ended comments were tallied throughout the survey, highlighting what the community thinks are the best attributes of this area and what the future could look like.  Continue Reading

  • Ainslie Arts Plaza

    Farmers Market Idea Booth Recap

    June 17, 2021

    Stationed in the CTA Western Brown Line Station Plaza, on a warm summer day, the Idea Booth featured materials for folks to learn about the project and to share input.  Farm fresh-themed idea posters were pinned up, maps and exhibit boards were posted, and comment sheets were rolled out.  Continue Reading

  • Ainslie Arts Plaza

    CTA Western Station Area Study

    June 9, 2021

    Based on the conceptual design recommendations in the Master Plan adopted in 2019, the purpose of the CTA Station Area Study is to delve further into the urban design and public place-making opportunities for the areas surrounding the Western Avenue Brown Line 'L' Station.  Continue Reading

  • Ainslie Arts Plaza

    Streetscape Coming to Lincoln Ave North

    April 6, 2021

    At the end of last month, 40th Ward Alderman Andre Vasquez announced plans for an upcoming large-scale street development project and vision for Lincoln Avenue!  Following community ideas and feedback gathered during the Lincoln Square Master Plan, the Alderman is launching a re-imagining of Lincoln Avenue North, from Western to Catalpa.  Continue Reading

  • Planning in the New Year

    January 6, 2021

    Several projects are in the pipeline for the crossroads of Lincoln Square in 2021.  The Department of Planning and Development will be conducting a Corridor Study along Western Avenue and the Department of Transportation will begin implementing a Streetscape project for Lawrence Avenue.  Continue Reading

  • New Outdoor Space in the Making

    November 17, 2020

    Have you walked down Lincoln Avenue lately?  If you have, you hopefully noticed a new street mural that has taken shape between Gunnison and Ainslie!  Through your valuable input in the August Quick Poll and September Zoom Town Hall, a new outdoor public space will be coming to Lincoln Square!  Continue Reading

  • Ainslie Arts Plaza Town Hall + Input Summary

    September 10, 2020

    Big thanks to everyone who came out to our Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, September 2nd!  The meeting included a full agenda of folks from the 40th Ward, Special Service Area (SSA), Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD), Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), Teska Associates and most importantly... YOU!  Approximately 50 people from the community attended the Zoom platform meeting from the comforts of their own homes.

    Continue Reading the summary of the presentation and comments received.

  • Ainslie Plaza - Neighborhood Poll Results

    August 25, 2020

    The neighborhood was open for 11 days, going live on Tuesday August 11th and closing the afternoon of Friday August 21st. During that time, more than 1,200 participants (1,281 to be exact) took the poll, rating their preferences regarding public place activities and events and sharing insights about why they like, love, or loathe various plaza functions. Participants were asked to review a series of images and provide responses about how likely they are to participate in those functions if provided in the plaza. In true Lincoln Square fashion, folks were encouraged to provide additional insights via the open comment section.  Continue Reading

  • It's Been Awhile! Take the Make Way for People Quick Poll

    August 11, 2020

    The Lincoln Square Neighborhood Improvement Program continues to work with Teska Associates on achieving the goals set forth in the Lincoln Square Master Plan, adopted in July 2019. Although COVID-19 had slowed down work during the beginning of this year, we are excited to announce the next steps of the project.

    Based on the conceptual design recommendations in the Master Plan, this year we delve further into the urban design and public place-making opportunities along North Lincoln Avenue, between Foster and Lawrence Avenues. 

    Continue Reading

  • Hot Off The Press: Lincoln Square Master Plan, Adopted!

    August 6, 2019

    It's official! The Lincoln Square Master Plan has been adopted by the SSA Commission and may be downloaded here.

    A big heartfelt thanks to our partners in planning: the SSA staff, Commissioners, Advisory Committee and of course the Community. Whether you participated in an event, interview, phone call, via the website, neighborhood poll or attended public meeting, we truly appreciate your enthusiasm and vision in shaping the future of the special neighborhood that is Lincoln Square.

    To the future...and beyond!

  • Lincoln Square Open House + Input Summary

    June 27, 2019

    These past twelve months have been a whirlwind of intense community outreach, project marketing, listening and learning. It goes without saying (but we’re gonna say it) -- we couldn’t have made this Master Plan without you!

    From our Kick-Off Idea Booth at Apple Fest in Fall of 2018 to our Final Community Open House and Draft Plan Reveal on May 30th, 2019 at the Old Town School of Folk Music – and everything in between -- you’ve made... Continue Reading

  • Review Draft Master Plan | Share Input Through June 14th

    June 4, 2019

    Dear Lincoln Square,

    Quite simply, you guys rule.

    We were so pleased that over 130+ community members came out to the May 30th Open House to learn about, view and comment on the Draft Lincoln Square Master Plan. Thank you for your constructive feedback, thoughtful comments and casual conversation.

    Next Steps: Review Draft Plan + Share Comments by June 14th.

    Continue Reading

  • You're Invited! LSQ Master Plan Unveiling

    May 16, 2019

    4 committee meetings, 3 surveys, 25 stakeholder sit-downs, and LOTS of comments later, the Lincoln Square Neighborhood Improvement Program, SSA #21, is ready to reveal its conceptual neighborhood Master Plan!

    Lincoln Square Master Plan Open House
    Thursday, May 30th
    6:00-7:30pm (presentation at 6pm)
    Old Town School of Music, Szold Hall, 4545 N. Lincoln

    The Plan fields everything from infrastructure and public space to private development guidelines and tools to promote local commerce. We worked with CDOT, CTA, our Wards, and... Continue Reading

  • Draft Placemaking Concepts + Guidelines Underway

    March 18, 2019

    Hey, Lincoln Square! It’s been about a month since we shared the results of Neighborhood Poll #3, so we wanted to update our followers as to where we are in our process. The 'Your Lincoln Square Design Team' is currently reviewing hundreds of ideas and working with the SSA, steering committee, and stakeholders to review and finalize preliminary concepts. The concepts will address both near and long-term public streetscape and placemaking improvements, as well as design guidelines for private developments. We are targeting a public open house meeting to review concepts in May. More details and invites to come – stay tuned!

  • Neighborhood Poll #3 Results

    February 8, 2019


    You did it! Thank you for helping us understand your preferences as they relate to mixed use and residential building design treatments in Lincoln Square! During earlier polls and events, we heard comments about new building developments and how they contribute to the look and feel of Lincoln Square. To take those comments one step further, we developed Poll #3 which delved deeper into these topics via a visual preference survey.

    Overview + Participation

    Neighborhood Poll #3 was open for 3-weeks... Continue Reading

  • View Poll #2 Summary

    December 21, 2018

    Results are in! Check out the findings of the Lincoln Square Neighborhood Poll #2...

    Facts + Figures

    Neighborhood Poll #2 was open for three weeks, going live on Monday, October 22nd, 2018 and closing the afternoon of Friday, November 16th, 2018. During that time, 695 participants (heck ya!!!) took the poll, voting on and sharing desired placemaking preferences, development ideals and suggested improvements for Lincoln Square’s Special Service Area (SSA) #21. Some comments pertained to locations outside of the project geography; Click here for a map of the SSA... Continue Reading

  • View Poll #1 Summary + Take Poll #2

    October 23, 2018

    Results are in!

    BIG thanks to the whopping 563 participants who shared input as part of the first ‘Your Lincoln Square’ Neighborhood Poll. We received responses from a wide range of ages (18 years to 66+ years) and neighborhood affiliations. From residents (81%) and property owners (39%), to employees (11%) and visitors (17%). The 10% of poll takers who marked “other” in regards to their connection to Lincoln Square, expanded on why they visit the neighborhood, noting (1) living nearby – Ravenswood, Ravenswood Manor, Bowmanville, Budlong Woods, Albany Park, and North Center; (2) children attend school...  Continue Reading

  • Apple Fest Highlights: Community Gardens, Art and Supporting Local Biz...

    October 12, 2018

    Thanks to everyone who peeled by our Apple Fest Idea Booth to share innovative ideas and input on Lincoln Square!

    Stationed at the northeast corner of Leland and Lincoln, the booth featured tools for folks to share input. Apple-themed idea posters were pinned up, comment maps rolled out, dog treats on the ready and sour apple dum-dums... naturally. From jotting down and mapping ideas to conversation with residents and visitors, the planning team scored so much knowledge, input and ideas on what people love and would like to see happen in Lincoln Square.  Continue Reading



  • Media Inquiries Contact Ripson Group