• Become a Member
  • Advertising

  • Increase your visibility in the community with various advertising opportunities offered by the Chamber.  LSRCC has marketing opportunities to suit every business need and budget.

    (Advertising opportunities and pricing subject to change.  Contact LSRCC for the most up-to-date information.)

  • Have a special, discount, or promotion that you want to share with the public or other businesses?  Post a Hot Deal or Business-to-Business Deal on the Chamber website and it will be included in the Community & Member Newsletters.

    Member Price:  Free

    General Price:  $50 per week

  • Advertise to people within the community who receive communication from the Chamber.  Over 5,000 people subscribe to the LSRCC's Community Newsletter, so your advertisement is sure to receive some attention.

    Member Price:  $50 per newsletter

    General Price:  $100 per newsletter

  • Publicize your business to visitors of the Chamber website.  Rotating ads are available on all pages of the website, including community events, the business directory and homepage.

    Member Price:  $200 per quarter

    General Price:  $350 per quarter

  • Interested in communicating to the nearly 700 local businesses in Lincoln Square Ravenswood?  Send a marketing mailer to to the business community with mailing labels printed by LSRCC.

    Member Price:  $50 per set

    General Price:  $100 per set

  • All members of LSRCC receive a complimentary listing in the Annual Neighborhood Guide.  Businesses have the option to purchase ad space within the Guide, with special discounts offered to Chamber Members.

  • Market your business to festival goers or attendees at one of LSRCC's community events.  Program advertising available for the following events.

    APPLE FEST (10K programs)
    Large ad:  $250
    Small ad:  $150

    Large ad:  $200 one (1) available
    Small ad:  $125 two (2) available

    SQUARE ROOTS (15K programs)
    Large ad:  $500
    Small ad:  $300

    Large Ad:  $175 one (1) available
    Small ad:  $125 two (2) available



  • Media Inquiries Contact Ripson Group